I'm running because... It’s time for a change in our State Government. Columbia is in desperate need of bold, new leadership. Too much is at stake to keep electing the same type of career politicians to represent us. When I served with the Army Rangers, we had a saying of Rangers Lead the Way! With your continued support, I will lead the way in fixing the problems of our State Government.

Bobby Cox... is a Businessman, Army Ranger, Citadel Graduate, and Conservative Republican.
He was born and raised in the Upstate and graduated from The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. While at The Citadel, Bobby became the Regimental Commander of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets; the cadet in charge over the college.
During his Senior Year, the horrific 9/11 terrorists’ attacks occurred which solidified his desire to serve his country in the U.S. Army. As an Army Ranger, Bobby served four combat tours in Iraq. While deployed, Bobby conducted special operations raids to topple terrorist networks as well as nation stability missions.
For his service in the Army, Bobby was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, three Meritorious Service Medals, four Army Commendation Medals, four Army Achievement Medals, and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (to name a few). Bobby continues to serve in the U.S. Army Reserve as a Lieutenant Colonel.
Bobby brings a wealth of business experience having worked at Milliken & Company in Spartanburg and now at SIG SAUER as their Vice President of Government Affairs. Bobby oversees business development programs for the U.S. Government and Foreign Allies at SIG.
In addition to a bachelor’s degree from The Citadel, Bobby has a Master of Business Administration from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenan-Flagler Business School with a distinction in Leadership. He also has a Master of Professional Studies from The George Washington University.
Bobby is married to Joscelyn, a Furman Graduate, and they have two children and a Boykin Spaniel. They are active members of their church and reside in Greer.

The Second Amendment... What makes America so exemplary is our Constitution. I took an oath in the military to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I still live by such an oath. The Constitution is part of the fabric of our society and that includes the 2nd Amendment. I’ll continue to work diligently every day to ensure our Constitutional right to bear arms is not eroded. Besides having a concealed weapons permit, I am an avid hunter and recreational shooter. The 2nd Amendment must be preserved.
The Right to Life... One of the reasons I joined the Army was to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. I feel the same way about the most innocent in our society. From conception to old age, we have a moral obligation and mandate from our Creator to protect the sanctity of life. As a Christian, father, and elected official, I will be a tireless champion for those who cannot protect themselves, especially the unborn.

Ethics Reform... It seems all the good guys are gone in government. State politicians operate by a standard that rewards personal gain over integrity. I’ve lived by a code my entire adult life whether it was the Honor Code at The Citadel or the Ranger Creed which expects the highest level of conduct in our daily lives. I will continue to bring this mentality to the State House and demand major ethics reform. Our elected officials should be held by the highest standard, not the lowest.
Roads... We all agree our roads are unsafe and need to be fixed. I will continue to work with SCDOT and our county government to ensure District 21 is getting the roads planning and funding it needs. Please reach out to me with concerns you have about specific roads so that we can work for better, safer infrastructure in our area. We need smart infrastructure growth and not knee-jerk tax raises for roads projects.

Term Limits... We’ve tried solving our problems with career politicians and they come up short every time. Elected office should be a season of service, not a lifelong occupation. Career politicians lose touch with everyday South Carolinians and make service about themselves and not their constituents. I was proud to offer term limits legislation and will continue to fight for this to become law.
The Economy... We need to get government out of the way of South Carolina business growth. With my extensive manufacturing background along with my business degree, I will continue to dismantle burdensome regulations and high taxes so residents can keep more of their hard-earned money. Instead of raising taxes we need to reform government bureaucracy, reduce spending, and let South Carolina families and businesses thrive.
Community Security... These are troubling times in our nation and world. My family and I pray daily for the security of our community and nation. Yet hope is not enough. We need to be prepared to face those that threaten our way of life. As a state representative, I will be able to call upon my extensive background to ensure our state agencies are properly funded and trained to meet any danger that our state faces.